Saturday 18th March 2005. Me and Zena had been looking forward to this day for a looooong time. This was the day our travels start to end. Now that sounds pretty weird. Looking forward to the end, but we have a 63 day trip ahead of us.
Brisbane, Byron Bay, Fiji, California, Roadtrip along Route 66 and finally, New York.
We start early Saturday morning by finally getting everything into my Snowboard Bag. Its a total weight of 45kg, and we have to take it down to the Couriers this Friday for its 2month long trip by sea back to the depot in London. Its mostly my snowboard and bits, but also contains all the stuff we don't want to take with us travelling. That leaves me with my 19kg travel bag, a little rucksack, and an esky.. Zee's got her travel pack, a pullalong and her daysack. Nothing like packing as little as possible :)
We get on the bus for our slow trip to the airport, when we get a phonecall off the Airline. "Your 3 o'clock flight has been cancelled. Which one do you want 2 or 4?" aaaargh... we choose the 2 o'clock flight, and decide to get the train there instead of the coach. A bit of uncertainty about whether we make it or not, but of course we do.. with 10 minutes to spare
A 1hour 15 min flight later, to Brisbane with Virgin Blue, and before you know we are getting picked up at the Airport by Linda and Gary...
Welcome to Brisbane
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