Byron Bay
We have just got back to Sydney after spending three days at the Arts Factory (aka Mossie Factory) in Byron Bay. I am currently in the internet cafe, moving all the photos from my Camera on to my iPod, so that when we get to fiji I don't have to worry about my old pictures.. Its taking forever though..
So Byron Bay! Has any of you ever been there? It may be a little different to when you last went. There is still no MacDonalds, but everything seems to have gone up in price by 50%.. Its still a trendy little stop for 75% of the backpackers who come to Oz, and also a surfers paradise, as it has some great breaks.
Unfortunately we were on the edge of Cyclone Larry, which didn't get as far south as Byron Bay. It still rained though. Every day. Oh well S**T happens. The worst thing about that? The rain brings Mosquitos. Great..
Like I said we stayed at the Arts Factory. It gets rave reviews in all the Guidebooks. This gives you a massive reason NOT to stay there. One Maths formula thats great for travelling is Great Reviews = Noisy Irritating Backpackers. It was not all bad, but we were placed in a Gunya (Read: Tent) that is right next to a small Tea Tree lake (read: Swamp).. We were lucky to get it for $60 a night, but make sure you harass the poor backpacker who picks up from the Bus Stop :) otherwise its $80..
We had some food stolen. It was only a few pieces of bread and a couple of eggs, but it was bloody annoying. Zena complained, and we got a free breakfast out of it!!
So what did we do? Well anyone who goes to Byron, has to go to Nimbin. This is an 'alternative' place. Famous for its relaxed attitude to Marijuana. I think it used to be quite a charming place, but now its got chavs everywhere asking you if you "Want any smoko?" ... no thanks.
We went with Grasshoppers tour. They are a pretty good tourgroup. As well as Nimbin we saw a waterfall, and had a BBQ. Plus a free meal at Cheeky Monkeys (legendary Byron Nightspot).. We got on with this couple, Mark and Louise from Leicester, going for a few beers.
We both wanted to go up to the Lighthouse, to get some great photos but when it rained yesterday it poured.. So it was a day of looking round shops.. mmmm interesting!
Anyway 40 hours in Sydney until we fly to Nadi, Fiji.. I am prob gonna be out of touch for a while. I don't care. I swear its going to be great to get off a bloody computer for three weeks!
Hey! The book is now in Auckland, New Zealand, with plans to be left in the international terminal of Auckland Airport next month.