25 January, 2007

january blues

What is it about January, that makes me come down with sty's in my eye? That someone punctures my tyre? And knocks the mirror off my car? That my job just seems to increase in workload everyday with no chance of slacking? That my landlord STILL has not fixed the main light in my room? That my cat wakes me up every morning at 4 wanting attention, but because I am tired and I just want to sleep, she then scratches me? and then I can't get up to do my run?

I hate whingers.. my brother told me that I am "glass half empty type of guy", in other words pessimistic... One thing I remember from the army, was that they used to say that the soldiers aren't happy unless they were moaning! I liked that.. I think there is nothing wrong with moaning, but as long as you get things done, promptly and properly, then you can do it!

Anyway, Januarys nearly over now.. so roll on February!


  1. I've always thought you suffer from SAD. I know I do a little, IHATEJANUARY. But THATISNOEXCUSE for skipping TRAINING .
    Whats this about glass half full or half empty? In my case it wasn't what I ordered in the first place!!

  2. Hey Jez

    I hope I have the right person - Zena's boyfriend? I don't know if you remember me but you had dinner at my folk's place in Australia. Sorry to use your blog thingy like a white pages but I can't find Z's address anywhere!
    Can you please get Zena to e-mail me at the above address ASAP!
    Cheers and hope you're doing well, Bernie
