24 May, 2005

Queenstown,New Zealand

Img_0035 Tuesday 24th May 2005 12:30 or is it 11:30?? My watch is being an absolute pain in the ass as it wont let me change the time at the moment.. i am seeing UK time of 12:30 (near midnight) at the moment when it should be 11:30 in the morning over here..

who cares anyway? as I am here now.. at the moment I am living in Chris Orchards house, with Roxy Steve and Chris's flatmates.. it has a great view of the mountains and the lake and a cat called Monty..  We should move into our house tommorrow and then have a house warming party that night.. after all i do turn THIRTY!! did everyone know??

So i have arrived after a massive flight involving 4 different airport, 2 different carriers and 4 movies.. Heathrow > Singapore > Auckland > Queenstown .. Its been a great set of flights actually, and I thoroughly recommend Singapore Airlines, in fact if you are planning on getting a Round the World flight, get the Great Escapade (got ours from STA Travel) with the Airline network Star Alliance.. The food on board Singapore Airlines was very very tasty and as well as the movies I saw up to Singapore, I also got to see "Meet the Fockers" and "Coach Carter"..

Flying from Singapore to NZ saw us fly over Australia and I saw Sydney from the air just before daybreak, before landing in Auckland and getting my first view of NZ..its very green isn't it?? stuck around Auckland airport for a while, after getting my Work Permit stamped and getting NZ$100 from a cash machine, and I discovered something that I have been told many people forget, NZ dollars don't seem to last that long..

Img_0032 So a flight to Queenstown followed and with some crappy views of the North Island, I saw the beautiful views of the South Island from a height of 30,000' (photos on flickr as well) and all the lakes and Southern Alps.. Landed at 16:00 local to be met by Mike, Kate, Roxy and Chris holding the obligatory "Old Man Jez" sign.. f***ers

Not feeling all that jet lagged meant I wanted food and beer down town, so after a few stubbies at Chris's place we headed to Montys and Winnies in QT.. where I eventually found my eyes drooping.. so after a few more wake up beers we headed back to much needed sleep.

And now its now..Kate has just phoned to say that she is picking Janine upsoon,and there is a possibility of moving in today.. she is also cooking dinner tonight ..I wanna watch Star Wars III tonight!!


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