25 March, 2007

blog improvements

NOTICE: UPDATING PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRIES.. May result in reposting! Sorry...

What is it about bloggers and the constant need to improve the blog; content, layout, style, plugins and all other aspects?

Anyway, these improvements are something I am doing for final improvements as I may close this blog down soon (in its current format anyway)
I feel I am paying for hosting, when its not important. The blog may go over to vox where I can have public and private posts. I find that I am not writing as much as I have done in the past.. I am no longer travelling, but just getting on with life.

I am going to move the rest over to Google. How? Well, as I am using Google Apps for your domain, I have a feeling in a few months then I will be able to host everything I want online with them. Photos / links / blog / homepage.. they already look after pretty much everything else for me (Mail / calandar / reader and of course search) Its only Flickr and de.icio.us that I also use.