13 November, 2006

business conferences

Just back from my company's annual business conference. I had a great time, and finally met some of those I jabber too a lot. But at 31 and 1/2, I don't know if I am unlucky never to have attended one before.. or blessed! I mean its not as if I haven't travelled abroad on business before, but that was always actual work!

Anyway, this last week ABC Company (I will NEVER mention my company online, as I don't want to let anyone ever get me sacked if I mention a bad day!)  had our our annual Training / Kick off event in Tunisia. You know what? I loved it! It was bloody hard work, and I have never before spent 5/6 hours preparing for a ten minute presentation! But, the chance to meet those I assist and speak to regularly was amazing. It was also good to hear what the big bosses propose for us, as a strategy for the next few years.

Tunisian 5 Star hotels are not 5 Star, I would say about 3. The pool was lovely, if only I managed to get into it more than twice (one of those was a lunchtime, so I wouldn't fall asleep in the afternoon!), and the beach was only 200m away, with camels strolling about.. I ate salads all week, as the little meat I did eat gave me a dodgy tummy. And the room was alright, if only they woke me up when I requested an alarm call!

It wasn't all work though, and a couple of nights out were much appreciated. We had a night out in Sidi Bou Said on one night, and the final night was held in this gorgeous fifteenth century church, where a big gala dinner was in place for us all. Very enjoyable, even if I was on the rowdiest table in the place, the Scots sure know how to drink! :)

Anyway, I went on one run when I was there and it was bloody hard work. So when I got home, I thought I had better get that training plan put into my diary. My 19 week plan starts... yes, yesterday! I was meant to go out on a 30min run, but went to the pub for a roast and a few strawberry beers.. oh well, I will start tomorrow!
