25 March, 2007

blog improvements

NOTICE: UPDATING PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRIES.. May result in reposting! Sorry...

What is it about bloggers and the constant need to improve the blog; content, layout, style, plugins and all other aspects?

Anyway, these improvements are something I am doing for final improvements as I may close this blog down soon (in its current format anyway)
I feel I am paying for hosting, when its not important. The blog may go over to vox where I can have public and private posts. I find that I am not writing as much as I have done in the past.. I am no longer travelling, but just getting on with life.

I am going to move the rest over to Google. How? Well, as I am using Google Apps for your domain, I have a feeling in a few months then I will be able to host everything I want online with them. Photos / links / blog / homepage.. they already look after pretty much everything else for me (Mail / calandar / reader and of course search) Its only Flickr and de.icio.us that I also use.

25 January, 2007

january blues

What is it about January, that makes me come down with sty's in my eye? That someone punctures my tyre? And knocks the mirror off my car? That my job just seems to increase in workload everyday with no chance of slacking? That my landlord STILL has not fixed the main light in my room? That my cat wakes me up every morning at 4 wanting attention, but because I am tired and I just want to sleep, she then scratches me? and then I can't get up to do my run?

I hate whingers.. my brother told me that I am "glass half empty type of guy", in other words pessimistic... One thing I remember from the army, was that they used to say that the soldiers aren't happy unless they were moaning! I liked that.. I think there is nothing wrong with moaning, but as long as you get things done, promptly and properly, then you can do it!

Anyway, Januarys nearly over now.. so roll on February!

16 January, 2007

Welcome connected internet readers

A big welcome to all readers who are coming here from Connected Internet!

I first discovered Connected Internet back when I was travelling in Australia, as I was searching for ways to get extra features in gmail.. Connected Internet were linked to and I had been browsing the site whilst in my IT Support job in Sydney. I let Everton know that you could turn on features in gmail by changing your settings to English US, away from English UK.. He wrote a post, thanking me and I have been a loyal reader since!

13 January, 2007


As you may or may not know I am interested in Security, especially online and to do with your identity. I believe when you are online you have a right to privacy, but also you have the right to know that those who you are communicating with are who they say they are...

Its both a complicated situation, made worse by proprietary systems, and holes in systems. When online, I don't want anyone knowing who I am; but if I do want that then I want that site to have a guaranteed belief, and that they trust me (based on my past behaviour).

Thats why I have signed up for OpenID ... Read here to see how it works. The gist of it
is that I log myself and my website to an OpenID server, and through authentication it proves thats me. I then use my openID to sign comments and then they know who its from!

Anyway now to get OpenID set up on my blog, so that trusted users can also leave comments. For the record my openID is jezarnold.myopenid.com

ClaimID allows me to claim sites that I have written, or are written about me. It also allows me to deny when I have not written a site, or this a different jezarnold. http://claimid.com/jezarnold
These sites are a start.. but there is something else that is holding me back from a thorough online presence.. email. I still can't believe that today, with email 20 years old, that an email I send is not 100% certain of reaching the addressed person. Also if I receive an email, I also want to be 100% guaranteed that it is off who I think it is.  Why do I want this? Well, I want ALL my bills/banking/correspondance done online, but I still do not have 100% trust in those sites. When it is.. well, I need to believe it can secure my data.

07 January, 2007

booley back home

Its the 7th January, and today I am starting a new life. Nope, not as a superhero but today I am starting to put a little bit more organistation into my day.

Yesterday, I went back to my old house which I shared with Zena and I collected Booley, my beautiful grey 11 year old moggy.. Shes wonderful! I asked Zena to look after her over the New Year and also whilst I was settling into my new house and getting stuff put together in my new room at my new place. Now I am in, then its time for Booley to come over. She was actually not enjoying the old house, as Zenas new housemate has bought her 1 1/2 year old male cat, which is very hectic. Booley was hiding in Zenas bedroom all day.

I helped them bring a wardrobe upstairs, and then Zee said goodbye to Booley, and she cried. I understand, and I have told Zena that she can see her again, so not to worry.

Anyway I am starting Photo365 today over on my Vox blog. All my pictures are going to be put up there and also on my Flickr page. I am going to take a decent photo everyday, and also take a picture of me in the same place. Go on over there right now and check out the first attempts!

Guess who its a picture of??

03 January, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

Welcome to a New Year and new starts.. I just want to want to let you all know I had a great New Year weekend, and spent it with friends from Uni and Reading on a Canal Boat. 48hours of boozing and generally cruising up the Kennet and Avon Canal in Berkshire!

I didn't feel particularly great on Monday, with a total lack of energy and complete loss of communication skills, but I feel a helluva lot better now!

So Resolutions?? Any planned? I do.. but then I do every year. Last years were similar to what I wanted for my life after thirty, and this years are extensions onto these as well.

So my thirtieth Birthday Resolutions were:

  1. No More Smoking! - I have given up now since the day I got on my flights over here.. A couple of days I have really wanted a cigarette but I have kept up to it!!

  2. Get Fit & Stay Fit - With a season ahead of me, I should lose this belly of mine, but I also need to get fit & stay fit.. sit ups.. press ups.. swimming..

  3. Manage my cash - Those of you who know me well, know that I am terrible with my dollars.. from now on I will manage it so much better!

  4. Keep a life journal - While I am away I am keeping a journal of my travels as well as this blog… I intend to keep this going..

And my 2006 Resolutions were ... exactly the same! So what am I going to do this year?

  1. No More Smoking.. - I restarted smoking in November, as me and Zena were having troubles. But as its a New Year, and me and Zena have broken up now then I am stoppng again. My last cigarette was on the boat back, two puffs and I threw it away!

  2. Get Fit & Stay Fit! - This is alwasy going to be a resolution for me. When friends call my JaidaFiveBellys its embarrassing. I am now living just three miles from work now, so there are no excuses not to run in. Plus I want to do this half-marathon in March in under two hours...

  3. Manage my Cash & Life Better - So I have added extra to this. My cash is sooo much better managed now (thanks to Zena). Its simply a matter of having two accounts. One to get paid into, pay all the bills and it also pays into a spending account. So I am going to save more money, but the most important is to manage my life better. Looking at GTD (Getting Things Done) and its something I want to have in my life, so I aim on starting this month and putting my progress into this blog!

  4. Keep a life Journal and Photo365 - I am going to keep my blog running, I really enjoy writing to it! More people than just Friends and Family read it now, and I want to put more interesting things in as well! It will never be about work, apart from a general sense! I am also going to start Photo365 (linked to my vox blog  and my flickr page) which will be a photograph taken every day, also I am going to take one of myself, to see what a year does to me!!

So a few new things.. Photo365 and Manage my Life Better should make 2007 a much better year!