I have had mine just short of a month now, and I can honestly say that Call of Duty 2 and Project Gotham Racing 3 are two amazing launch titles... just can't stop playing them!!
My feeling is that Microsoft are starting to do a few things right for once.. I know that everyone loves to hate M$, but in my eyes they are doing great!! They have this amazing console out, that should kick Sonys a$$, and they have also developed one of the best phone software out for a long time..
Anyway, I am going to go a little more techy with my blog.. if you don't like it then let me know in the comments. Don't worry I won't be too boring, just a few notes on some toys and stuff!
One last thing ... my xbox360 gamertag jura55ik find me and try and beat me (you probably will...)
I am waiting for the Wii. I am all about the games (nintendo does the best girl games!). Everything else (dvd, tivo, tv) I am about the High Def. I can't wait for Animal Crossing Wii.