We left Coogee and made our way back across the city, it was a really hot and muggy day, with this horrible hot wind blowing through the whole of NSW. This causes Bush Fires! Apparently one bush fire last year burnt down 500 houses in Canberra!! Someone else told me that 9 out of 10 bushfires are caused by Arsonists..
This heat doesn't help my terrible hangover. But by the time we got back to Manly, i was feeling 100% better.
Danni, our flatmate, decided that tonight we are gonna hold a sophisticated Christmas Eve party, with a load of her friends (and some of ours if they wanna come) coming round for drinks and food, all chilling in the front room, ready to see Christmas in..
So me, Zee, Danni and Fen are all putting a bit of work in, getting things ready, and by 8 o'clock its all set! Everyone has to bring a different bit of food and your own booze.. I get chatting to some of Dannis friends - from all over the world, Australia, UK, Brazil, Canada, USA & NZ.. quite a multi-cultural night in.
Get chatting to one guy, Jeff from Brazil. He is Sydney learning to speak English, and I find out he's a DJ. So I say, "Wow, one of my fave DJs is from Brazil, DJ Marky.. heard of him?" ... "Oh yes, he is one of my good friends.. He is coming to Sydney in February to play at Good Vibrations"
How weird is that? Anyway I speak to Danni later, and she says "Yeah we know him..." Definitely going to that! Saturday 18th February 2006
All in all ... a real good night, a bit different to my usual Christmas Eve in O'Neills in Worcester :)
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