08 May, 2006


Img_4474Chicago - The Windy City.. The Second City.. is amazing!! Here and San Francisco have been my favourite US destinations so far..

Unfortunately we only have a day to explore, so after a go on the El, its a wander through the streets and a little shopping for Zena (I did my faves - Apple, Niketown and book shops, whilst Zee did Bloomingdales for a makeover)

We wandered past the beach on Lake Michigan and then back to the Arlington House hostel in Lincoln Park, and then caught a bus so we could go out for Pizza at Ginos East. Famous for its Deep Pan Chicago style.. mmmm

Got to come back here one day.. I LOVE IT!!

1 comment:

  1. Dammit, forgot to put my name on that comment. It was me, Zena's brother who has just finished his disseration!!!!

    ----Woooohoooo! I just finished my dissertation! I'm so happy.

    Sounds like you're still having the trip of a lifetime and as for Zena having a makeover well, what can I say? I've been telling her all my life that she was in need of one. Still, at least it shows she can take advice from me. Tee hee
