23 August, 2005

New House, New Job

Sunrise_lane So today I woke up in my new house at 15A Sunrise Lane, Queenstown.. An incredible house, all the more because I have my own room at last and only paying $80/wk.. My Landlord John is a 40 yo Brit who has done at least 5 winter seasons here in Queenstown (judging by the Season passes on the fridge door!!) and he's real sound! Also living with another Brit by the name of Heather, who's working for NZSki on her travels around the world..

The views are even better than the old house (which me and Kate think had bad Karma...) as well as the Remarks, we also have the Crown Range and as well as Frankton Arm, we also have Lake Wakatipu itself!! Like I said I have my own room now, the only disadvantage being that its sort of outside. If I want to go in the house, I go out of room into the openair, walk up some stairs on to the decking and then into the house!! Its nice actually..

Today was also the day I started my new job up at the Garage. I set my alarm early and sorted myself out. Walked out of the house down to the Busstop for 8:15ish when the bus is meant to pass, but it didnt show!! it had passed early! So i started to hitch from where I was, but 50 minutes later still no-one had picked me up.. Eventually the next bus gets there early and I get to work on my first day half an hour late...

Oh dear..

They didn't seem to mind though.. Just as well because I am only gonna be working there 4 weeks!! I feel bad for doing this to them, it seems to be an alright job! Never mind!! I need to save a little money for when Zena gets here and also when we go to Oz.

Anyway gotta go and pay my landlord some rent!! Laters..

1 comment:

  1. Hello matey, glad to hear you'll be giving Kier Dillon a run for his money in the pipe! I always knew your preying mantis style would kick ass!
    I'm just finding excuses not to do retake skool work at the mo so I thought I'd see how your getting on. I've just finished 1500 words on the evolution of the language of cinema so I'm allowed a break. Uni work sucks ass!
    Other than that life in soton is sweet, about to move back into my old crib as the new one hasn't worked out. Landlady is a twat and my new exciting housemates aren't exciting at all! Nevermind, we live and learn.
    Put my order in for my new board and bindings courtesy of soulsports! a free Ride DH with Agency bindings, well not entirely free, I help set up at the aim series and get paid in kit. But I get paid in cash for the judging stuff which is dope, am getting to know loads of new people on the scene, plus I'm covering the Aim series for Whitelines, which means a guarenteed 6 more articles published! Which I'm proper stoked about. I feel like i'm on the verge of something huge, just don't know what the hell its going to be! Death or Glory!
    I should really go now and do some more work cause I've got "the fear" properly now!
    Hope the garage work is cool, do you wear oily blue overalls? Have fun travelling with the warrior princess and I look forward to hearing all about it in your blog.
    Peace homes
