19 July, 2005

Kates 26th Birthday

Img_0715 Sunday 17th July - and good mate Kate (pictured on left, looking drunk) celebrates her 26th Birthday..

its decided that Kate wants to have a Bad Taste night for the bash at our house, so its up to everyone to sort out those terrible outfits for the night.. I pop down to the Salvation Army on Saturday to get a real bad shirt, but its closed!! so wander around town for a nose in the shops to see if anything catches my eye. The ALL BLACKS shop has been selling a lot of the Lions Rugby stuff off at cheap prices recently, so this may prove fruitfil. Sure enough, a $100 Hawaiaan Lions shirt has been reduced to $10 (4 quid!!).. so its gonna have to be that!!

Img_0685_1 << Drinking Pride of the South SPEIGHTS.. mmm (with new mexican tache!!)

Anyway 8:30pm and me and Mike are the only ones at home wondering if anyone is gonna show up, including Birthday girl. Kate shows up and is impressed with Mikes skills at sorting the house at.. and proceeds to open all her pressys!! I will let Kate tell you what she got, but I gave her Dodgeball on DVD.. 9:30pm and people start showing up!! Chris and Sam are looking top in some dodgy suit and a rescue Jumpsuit.. but I thinks it Kate who steals the award, with some red leggings she used to wear clubbin about 8 years ago, a polka dot top and a stripey dressing gown!!

Img_0748About 30 people show up and luckily all congregate in our kitchen to drink booze. Party goes really great, and its fun to watch Mike and Kate get more and more drunk through the evening. Mike shoots to bed at 1, with Kate following about 1:45 ..  all in all a great nite

(see www.flickr.com/photos/jezarnold ) for more pictures!!


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